About Us

HANDAL INDAH SDN. BHD. (“Handal Indah”) was established in 1994 and is an approved e-Money Lender governed under the Moneylenders Act 1951.

Looking to serve numerous applicants at a time, we operate a money lending business in Malaysia with the branding name of "CashMesra".

We recognise the significance of providing an opportunity for those who are less privileged to thrive. Through CashMesra, we aim to assist Malaysians in avoiding the pitfalls of borrowing from unlicensed lenders. Simple access to money is our manifesto along with upholding our core principles of convenience and trust.

It is noteworthy that CashMesra is not only aimed at providing financial assistance to the public but also targeted to the internal staff of Handal Indah, particularly drivers. This is to assist our staff drivers to own their own vehicles without going through a plethora of steps to run the vehicles under their own authority. All in all, we aim to assist Malaysians steer clear of obtaining illegal loans from unlicensed lenders by offering assistance and support through our CashMesra.

Licence Details:

Licence No.: WL8042/01/01-1/210724
Licence Validity: 22 July 2022 to 21 July 2024